International Journal on Interfaith Studies and Dialogue [IJISD].

ISBN: 978-9914-9882-4-6

Journal description

IJISD is a peer-reviewed journal. It houses academic works on encounters between believers of different religions and their views from a practical-theory point of view. The journal invites papers as called on issues within or related to interfaith studies and dialogue. The journal covers areas such as education, worship, family, wellness, politics, leadership, and community development. The journal publishes articles written by academicians worldwide and take an interdisciplinary approach modern to interfaith relations and dialogue.

IJISD aims to enhance interfaith studies and dialogue as a new field in the academic study of religion and dialogue. It aims to publish articles that will foster the communication that encourages interfaith tolerance and promotes dialogue in times of dispute. 

Chief Editor

Dr. Hassan Omari Kinyua, Lecturer University of Nairobi.

Ph.D. (Philosophy and Religious Studies) LLD (Continuing) M.A (Religious Studies) UoN
PGD (Islamic Banking and Insurance-IIBI-UK),
B.A (Arabic Language and Religious Studies) University of Nairobi
LLB (Bachelor of Laws) UoN
Diplomas: Diploma Advocates’ Training Programme (the ATP)-Continuing Kenya School of Law, Mass Communication, Public Relations and Customer Service – RCTFL;
Arabic language -WAMY; Islamic Shariah-KIFLAPS; Translation and Interpretation-LCC.


Dr. Ibrahim Bulushi, Chief Executive Officer- Wakf Commission of Kenya and Council Member of The Union of NGOs of the Islamic World based in Turkey.

Dr. Manswab Mahsen Abdulrahman, Lecturer Ummah University.

Dr. Abdallah Kheir

Dr. Adams Khamis.

Evangelist Oliver Erupe

CPRJ is calling for Abstracts and Papers for publication in International Journal on Interfaith Studies and Dialogue. The current volume main theme is “Contemporary Relationship between Religion and Politics. 

The journal shall be guided by the following sub-themes;

1. Role of religion in shaping political leadership.

2. Religious institutions and leaders in promoting peaceful, transparent and fair elections.

3. Challenges faced by religious leaders and institutions in addressing corruption in government.

4. Role of religious leaders in promoting political dialogue.


General: Microsoft word, Times New Roman, Font 12; 1.5 spacing

Abstract Length: Between 250-350 words.

Keywords: Maximum of 5 words.

Referencing style: APA, 7th edition.

Language: English

Policy Review: Double-blind

Publication Policy: Open access policy.


Activity.                                                                  Deadline.

1. Receipt of abstracts                                     30th September, 2021.

2. Vetting & Reviewing of abstracts                15th October, 2021.

3. Receipt of full papers                                    29th October, 2021.

Abstracts and papers should be emailed to For more information please call +254719584651.

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